Thursday, July 31, 2008


Some creative ways to entertain a 3 year old.

Yes I helped line all of those little men around him, so he could take his nap protected.
I hope everyone is having a great summer and staying cool. Today it is 100, tomorrow will be 101 and Saturday will be 100....WOW. No new updates , but we are quite busy this month and we have some visitors.....Grandma Mattie and Grandpa Glen and after they leave we get to visit with Aunt Wendy and Uncle Stacy. We have an old friend visiting next week, Dee's daughter Taylor....I think Alex may skip school to hang out one day(shhhh!) The kids are still growing and keeping us entertained. Can you believe we are half way through the year. Time flys when you have a lot of kids. Hugs to all-

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