Thursday, July 17, 2008

Back to school and more updates...

Well Alex has started 6th grade and soccer has begun. Eric starts middle school next month and is now playing baseball. Jack will be playing soccer this fall and that should be fun. Tyler is just tagging along adding so many lovely words to her vocabulary. So many things happen in a day that I found my memory is shot and I should write them down only to find that I usually misplace the paper I write them on. You probably all are wondering why I have a picture of our house? Well after much time trying to declutter and clean our house it is officialy on the market. Yes we are leaving beautiful Colorado and as you know we love it here. We have decided that it is time to be closer to family or at least driving distance. We have chose Austin and have no timeline as to when it all depends on the sale of our house. We are hoping for early fall. We have never been to Austin, but adventure is good for you and I here it is beautiful. I am a creature of habit and do not really like change and I happen to love Colorado and the little bubble we live in, but family should be closer and man we could use a break here and there. I just thought I would share some updates. Hugs to all.

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