Friday, July 11, 2008

4th of July

Here are a few pictures from our adventure in Durango. We had a great time and the kids did too. I do not think anyone ever tells you, but bringing your kids on vacation is work and after you feel like you need a vacation. All in all it was a lot of fun and a lot of great memories.
Every time we passed a cow Tyler said look it dinosauer(raugh!). Jack is great at going pee in a bottle and he loves to spit. Alex went completely crazy and that might be the best birth control I know. I told Jack next year we are going to go to the beach he said What is the beach? Monday we were out and about and we were ready to go home and Jack said are we going home or to our HOTEL? I said lookie lookie I found a cookie....Jack replied lookie lookie I found some panties. I could probably go on and on.....
To sum it all up we had a wonderful trip and Alex has now started 6th grade and we are back to reality. Hugs to all-

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