Monday, May 26, 2008

Our weekend

Can your grandma fit at your kiddie table....MINE CAN!

I hope everyone had a very safe and productive weekend. It was long and busy for us, but always entertaining. I have to tell you all that Jack is learning how to wipe on his own...if you know what I mean. So, today he had a couple of friends over very excited he went potty and I told him I needed to check his bottom. He said Mom you don't want to see my panties? Well of course I needed to see them now and he called them panties..............................they were his big sisters purple panties. Next thing you know he comes out from his room with his friends and all of them have barrettes in their is time for football season. Later that afternoon he had a superman hat on and a Bronco jersey. He loves to watch Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen when they were little and he calls it his girlie the other night he said Dad I want to watch my Girlie movie!!!! We are in trouble. Also this weekend(which started on thursday)We watched lots of soccer. Alex and I went to a Rapids game and then we watched Alex play some more soccer. We are enjoying Lola's cooking and shopping! The kids had lots of play time with sissy. They made king and queen costumes out of extra fabric, chose not to post Jacks picture, but I will send to some of you and you will know why. Alex is now out for break and has passed the 5th grade. She is on to 6th grade which starts in July. All A's and one B to end an excellent year.

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