Saturday, May 10, 2008

Happy Mothers Day to All

No pictures to share, but I do want to wish all a very Happy Day. My day started out at around 6 ish with Jack hollering for Dad. Dad got up got Jack settled and then returned to bed. A little later he wanted Mom and from that point on my day began. Dad never gets to sleep in, so much deserved. Tyler and Jack fought over a couple toys. Jack hit Tyler had to sit in time out for 3 minutes(what a long 3 min that turned out to be)....I do not know if you can picture this, but all you gals out there at some point have probably sat with your shirt over your knees and feet, sort of in a ball like position. Our time out chair is in the corner and Jack was sitting this way screaming at me......when all of a sudden BAM.scream and cry!!!!!!!!!! Jack had fallen flat on his face....blood, etc. Well once he settled down and milked it for all that it is worth, he wanted to call Dill(Will) for medicine as mine is not good enough. Later I said Jack I love you and he looked at me and said Mom I am a shark....................if you say that again I will bite you. Dill was over for dinner and said Holy sh&t..Jack repeated him. Dill said Jack Dill said a bad word I am sorry....Jack said I said it too Dill Holy Sh&t. I said it again. I have left out probably 5 other things that could make a Mom scream......but at this point in my life I am so thankful to be a Mom of such wonderful kiddos and I thank everyone who has guided me in some way or another. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY TO ALL! I love you Mom and we can not wait to see you.

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