Monday, March 10, 2008

First Time

I always said I would try this out, so here we go. I can not believe it is already March. I still have not recovered form Christmas. Our kids are getting big. Here is a little about what the kids are up to. Eric just turned 12, he will be in middle school next year(7th grade),he plays the bass guitar and loves playing Guitar Hero/Rock Band and we are all praying he will cut his hair so you can all see his handsome face. Alex is 11 and turning in to quite the young lady and with that comes quite the attitude. She plays competitive soccer which takes up around 3-4 days out of the week. She is also in band(the flute). Jack will be 3 in April and Tyler is 16mos need I say more they are in to everything.

We had our first visitor of the year. Parrain/Heath came to visit for a long weekend. We had a great visit. Heath and Aimee are expecting baby Rylee in April!!!!!!!!

More to come as I get the hang of this.......................................Hugs to all!

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