Friday, August 22, 2008

Our latest visitors

Tyler and Grandma Mattie
Tyler and Grandpa Glen

Aunt Wendy, Jack & Tyler
Uncle Stacy & Tyler
We enjoyed our visit with everyone. James and I were able to get some adult time in and the kids had a blast. Jack told us today that he really misses Uncle Stacy and when we see him in November he is going to hug him this time. It was great to see everyone.
Some other little happenings in the house. Alex made captain of her soccer team!!!! They also have a program at school called O Ambassador(O for Oprah) and the kids had to write a paper on why they wanted to be one and they picked a few people from each grade to represent the school and they had over 100 papers turned in. Alex was chosen as one and will participate in the OAmbassador program!!!! Go Alex we are super proud of her. That is it for now we have an early game in the Springs tomorrow so I am off to sleep. Hugs to all.

Childrens museum

We went to the childrens museum with Grandma Mattie & Grandpa Glen. We ate lunch downtown and then ventured to the museum. This was the weekend it rained for 2 days in Colorado. Very unusual for us. The kids had a blast and so did we.

Douglas County Fair & Rodeo

Train Ride
Jack loved the Dragon roller coaster
And we all know he loves John Deere
Monkey see Monkey do.
This is a big event in Castle Rock. We went to the parade on Saturday morning and caught more candy than we could eat. Although Tyler managed to eat her share. We went home took naps and went back for rides, food, and lots of animal looking.......pigs,sheep,bunnies, turkeys and everything else. On sunday after church Jack and I went to the rodeo it was fun but he just could not take his eyes off the rides.