Monday, April 28, 2008

Another month already gone......

I am actually posting with no pictures. This is sort of like a journal of things I would love to share with everyone on a day to day basis, but I can't over the phone. Now I can via blog. April was a busy month. I have chose to close my business as an indepentdent mortgage broker and work under someone else as a mortgage broker. Basically doing the same thing just not as much responsibility. Great company and I can now lend in all states minus a couple, but none of you live in those. Remember me in your day to day conversations.

Eric is still growing.......his hair that is. Yikes, apparently his Mom thinks it is pretty cool wow! He is doing great in school though and still strumming the guitar.

Alex is still not growing.....taller, but definately turning in to a young lady. I can not even begin to tell you some of the stories that are going on in the 5th grade! Soccer is still keeping her busy and us broke. She is planning to run quite a few 5k's this summer. Maybe some golf or tennis. Getting CPR certified to babysit everyone but her siblings.

Jack....I am pretty sure we covered that, but I do have a couple more funny things. To add to my friend Misty who talked about her little guys prayers one night here you go.....Thank you for the Rockies and for our food that was our blessing a few nights ago. Yesterday he wanted James to bring him to the city and drop him off for a long time by himself. He proceeded to get real mad when he was told NO.

Tyler Grace.....MINE that is a frequent word among many that she repeats and the kids think it is very funny to make her repeat things that sound like other words. Like fork. She finally has front teeth and wants to be big so bad. Loves to play outside and screams to come in unless you mention the word snack or dinner!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Welcome to the world....Rylee Nicole Menard

Welcome baby Rylee. Aimee and Heath job well thought all of that was fun. Just wait. She is beautiful and we can not wait to meet her! Take care of yourself Aimee and get some rest while you have some help. We love all of you and thank you for all the updates.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Warning: I am three!

And a warning he needs. I can not believe Jack is three, but HE IS! All boy and full of surprises. He is sure to have things his way. Can not stand to share with either sister. Pretty sure that when he grows up he is going to have the police put me in time he says. Loves to tell stories, pretty tall tales. Not afraid to admit when he has done something wrong...just says SORRY Mom, I don't know why I did it. Recent happening include lying in bed for naptime and throwing things at his light until it breaks..........that was fun. Getting in to sissy glitter powder(from her room)and making the house sparkle only to say Sissy shares her makeup with me. Glue stick on the wall with candy wrappers, Sissy's lipgloss painting on the wall(another naptime thing). He asked the other day if he could shave his beard. I could go on forever...that was the two's let see what three will bring!!!!!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACKSON!!!

Go Rockies! This was Jack's party too!
We had a great time all though you can see it was a little chilly for baseball. We made it to sing the 7th inning stretch which Jack knew all the words. We found Dinger, you have no idea how hard it can be to find that big purple dinosaur. Another night filled with junk food and fun!!!!


Jack's party. We bounced all night, ate pizza & cake and bounced some more. Hugs to all!!!!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Happy 1st Anniversary Todo. I hope this year has been wonderful for the both of you. Many years to come and many more memories to be made. Enjoy each other.
Hugs to both of you-

Sunday, April 6, 2008

What a Day

We had a great day and got some cool shots of the kids. We had a typical Sunday and now have to prepare for another week in our world. The kids are sleeping and so is Dad(since he gets up pretty early) and I guess it is my time to turn in. I hope everyone is letting their laundry and housework pile up like me!
Hugs to all-

We had lunch and tons of snacks!!
This Weekend we decided to picnic in the park. What a great day and we had a wonderful time. We played for most of the day.

April already!

I can not believe it is already April. Our month started off pretty slow for our world. These pics are from Uncle Will's/Daddy for Alex. We had an awesome dessert of roasting Marshmallows.