Wednesday, October 1, 2008


They were pretty excited to pose for a picture. September has flown by and Alex is now 12. Thank you all for your gifts as she is a little slow on getting the thank yous out to all. We had a great time and probably one of the best Birthdays to top. We all had a cold this month except James. Tyler got the worst of it as you will see in the below pictures. We had soccer 3-4 times a week and 2-3 games per weekend, so I have been slacking a bit in the picture department. So as you go down and look at the pics I will tell you a few other things going on.....The dates are wrong on the pictures if you did not figure that out. Tyler is a bit of a ham and has quite the mean streak at times, but as you will see in these pictures only the halo is on. Alex was off track most of the month which worked out because we had some unexpected visitors/evacuees from Houston......The Allemans, I will tell you the crazy part is they flew here to surprise us and for Alex's birthday and while they were wasting a bit of time to come meet/surprise us for dinner we ran in to them on accident at the mall!!!!!! It was great and we enjoyed every minute of it. I am still praying to sell this everyone feel free to pray too.
Jack is really loving transformers...thanks to Uncle Will. He had a stuffy nose and he said Mom, "My nose is stuffing me." The other day we were watching the history channel, yes no channel is safe anymore. After asking a few questions and watching a bit he decided he wanted one of those shooters. James told him he needs to join the Army when he grows up so a little bit passed and he says Dad in the morning can you take me to join the Army, James said no so he came whining to me that he really wants to join the Army so he can get a M16. And folks that is from the History channel.
He says some very interesting things. We were having dinner as always, but this happened to be after a bit of a rough day(the kids were not listening at all). Jack says to me as we were all eating Mom I am sorry for being bad today, I love you. Yes they are quite smart at such a young age. I think I may have a full head of gray hair by 40.
Tyler is getting super big and cutting 4 more teeth along with a cold....nothing better! Now the next picture is of James's tomatoes from his garden. Just had to give you a visual. Although I pick on him I think it is great that he loves to garden and I hope when we move we will lots of fresh stuff to eat.
Here is Sam and Alex hard to believe Alex is older. The girls had a great time, shopping, pedicures,matching flip flops with their Moms...and lots of girl time.
Here is pitiful sick Tyler....Go Tigers!
They even surprised Will if I failed to mention he had NO idea they were coming so we did not even tell him we saw them at the mall. We just said Sammy flew in and I was a part of that, that is why he did not know. So when we walked in to dinner Kim, Jeff and Hayden were already there sitting with James so it took Will a minute before he even noticed they were at the table too!!! It was awesome!
This is Tyler being pampered bu the nurses in the house. Cold rags, medicine,water out of a straw,cold rags on our stuffed bear,foot rubs and hand rubs! Who wouldn't want to be sick. Oh and watching LSU!
So that is our exciting month and on to October. Back in school still playing soccer, off to a tournament in Vail this weekend. Alex goes to outdoor ed in 2 weeks! Halloween. Still praying for the house to sell. James is back to doing appraisals only and hanging with me and the kids starting next week. So keep up the prayers and we hope to be in Texas soon. Hugs to all.....H.

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