Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Warning: I am three!

And a warning he needs. I can not believe Jack is three, but HE IS! All boy and full of surprises. He is sure to have things his way. Can not stand to share with either sister. Pretty sure that when he grows up he is going to have the police put me in time out....so he says. Loves to tell stories, pretty tall tales. Not afraid to admit when he has done something wrong...just says SORRY Mom, I don't know why I did it. Recent happening include lying in bed for naptime and throwing things at his light until it breaks..........that was fun. Getting in to sissy glitter powder(from her room)and making the house sparkle only to say Sissy shares her makeup with me. Glue stick on the wall with candy wrappers, Sissy's lipgloss painting on the wall(another naptime thing). He asked the other day if he could shave his beard. I could go on forever...that was the two's let see what three will bring!!!!!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACKSON!!!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Jack! I can't believe you are 3 already. Give your mommy a hug for me. We miss all of you and can't wait to see you. Love, Misty

Bhenry04 said...

Hey, He looks like quite the lil wild man... Everytime that i get on here and read about Jack i laugh out loud....just think he will MISS YOU GUYS Bunches..Thanks for the birthday wishe and anniversary.